8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health

March 14, 2022
Shanika | Orchids + Sweet Tea
Yes, you read that headline right! Wouldn’t it be awesome to enjoy a piece of chocolate and not feel guilty about it? Despite chocolate getting a bad reputation in the wellness world, there are actually several health benefits involved when you eat it the right way, which is why I'll be talking about the 8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health.

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health---I know, it might sound too good to be true, but we promise it is not! In this post, we are going to run through 8 different reasons why chocolate could be good for your health (in moderation, of course).

Closeup of a broken chocolate bar

Keep in mind that there are different types of chocolate and some are healthier than others. For example, dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants and is all-around healthier than milk chocolate or white chocolate.

This post is meant to give you inspiration on the 8 Reasons why you should be eating chocolate for your health, but make sure to always consult your doctor before trying anything new for your health!

Closeup of a pile of broken chocolate pieces

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health

  1. Chocolate is High in Magnesium

If you constantly crave chocolate, you are certainly not alone! In a study done by PMC (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health), more than 50% of women crave chocolate when they are on their menstrual cycle.

Dark chocolate is very rich in magnesium, with more than 64 mg in just 1 ounce of a serving. But you might be wondering why do I need magnesium in my diet? Magnesium plays many critical roles in the body, such as supporting nerve function, energy production, and supporting muscle recovery (which we go over later in the article). Low magnesium levels usually result in high blood pressure or heart disease.

  1. Chocolate Increases Heart Health

Remember when I mentioned dark chocolate has powerful antioxidants? In turn, this plays a big part in reducing the risk of clotting and increasing blood circulation in your heart. By consuming these antioxidants, it can actually lower the risk of heart disease. This is one of the main reasons why eating chocolate for your health is a good thing.

According to research published by the Journal of Nutritional Science, dark chocolate contains phytonutrients called flavonoids, which are chemicals that act as antioxidants and play a major role in cancer prevention and heart health.

Two large chocolate cookies

  1. Boosts Athletic Performance & Muscle Soreness

It’s no secret that athletes love chocolate. But did you know that the epicatechin in dark chocolate increases the production of nitric oxide in the blood? This helps support circulation and muscle soreness within those who exercise frequently.

Researchers suggest that in order to get the best results from your work out you have to limit the amount of dark chocolate you eat to only one square a day. Moderation is key when it comes to chocolate and athletic performance.

  1. Chocolate is a Stress Reducer

We all know that chocolate is a major comfort food! For good reason, of course, it’s delicious! Those who consume chocolate reported that they feel less stressed and at ease.

Chocolate even helps you produce more endorphins. These are the great hormones you feel after a workout or exciting news!

Pile of chocolate pieces next to chocolate shavings

  1. Improves Cognition & Prevent Memory Loss

Studies show that consuming dark chocolate, those with high percentages of cacao (at least 70%), may benefit your brainpower. Research suggests that chocolate actually stimulates activity in areas of the brain associated with pressure pleasure and reward. That’s why we feel happier when consuming chocolate.

It doesn’t stop there; dark chocolate may help improve brain function by increasing blood flow. Dark chocolate contains stimulates like caffeine and bromine which will help aid in blood flow in your body. Now, it’s important to note that these findings need to be further researched and investigated with the mechanisms involved. Always talk to your doctor to see what’s best for you and your health.

Other Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health

  1. Chocolate Can Help Aid in Weight Loss

I know eating chocolate every day doesn’t seem like a great way to lose weight but eating dark chocolate may help play a role in controlling appetite which could in turn help with your weight loss goals. Chocolate actually has the ability to regulate the hormones serotonin and dopamine which can lift your mood drastically.

Chocolate has the ability to satisfy your sweet tooth and suppress further appetite and hunger. Keep in mind that milk chocolate is higher in calories than dark chocolate. Also, don’t forget to eat in moderation to achieve the maximum benefit.

  1. It’s Good for Your Skin

Chocolate is jam-packed with vitamins and minerals like copper, iron, and magnesium which can be beneficial to your skin. For example, magnesium helps support the production of collagen which helps your skin look young and healthy. In addition, flavonoids and chocolate help reflect harmful UV rays from the sun and help prevent sunburns and skin conditions like skin cancer.

If you’re planning a beach vacation in the next few months, you might want to consider enjoying some dark chocolate prior. Always be sure to check with your dermatologist and doctor before doing so!

Slice of chocolate cake on a small plate

  1. Chocolate Can Be an Anti-Inflammatory in the Body

Inflammation in the body is never fun. It can lead to loads of health issues like diseases and sore muscles. A study conducted by PMC found that chocolate can increase the number of good gut bacteria in your body which can trigger an anti-inflammatory response. It’s music to our ears!

Collage with the text: 8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health

The Bottom Line for Eating Chocolate for Your Health

Overall, chocolate has many health benefits to be enjoyed but it’s important to incorporate it into a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It’s actually one of the only foods that provide awesome benefits to your health and taste awesome. But before you go out to the store and buy all of the chocolate and candy bars, it’s important to understand that not all forms of chocolate contain the same level of antioxidants and good nutrients.

Remember that moderation is key in everything that you do. We hope this article was helpful and inspired you to see all of the benefits that chocolate can bring!

Craving Chocolate Now? Check out these recipes!

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate for Your Health.


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